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Admission Open


General Rules for Students

1. Students are required to bring their diaries to the School daily.
2. Students are required to go to the Assembly ground as soon as bell for Assembly rings.
3. Students should always be neatly dressed, otherwise they would be sent back home.
4. Students are advised to make use of the dustbins provided for throwing bits of paper etc.
....They are expected to keep the campus neat and clean.
5. Students must take care of School property. Anyone who damages School property will be
6. Students are advised not to bring costly articles to the school. The School shall not be
....responsible for such losses.
7. Students are advised to deposit the articles found in the School with their class-teacher.
8. In case of damage of School property, joint fine will be impose on all students of the group
....& class.
9. It is compulsory for all the students to bring Text Books, Copies, Pen, Pencil etc. failing
....which, they will not be allowed to attend the class.
10. For entering in the Chemistry, Bio., Physics, or any lab. apron is compulsory. For physical
....Education white tracksuits is compulsory on the dates of practical classes.
11. No. Student is allowed to bring Bike and Scooty in the school campus.



1) Please deposit school fee and Transport fee on time as per the instruction given by the
.....School, failing which late fine will be charged.
2) No School document will be issued on the same day or same time. At least 3 working days
.....are required to provide any School documents like Transfer Certificate, Birth Certificate, .....Fee Receipt Certificate, Bonafide Certificate, and Duplicate Marks Sheets etc. For Duplicate .....Certificate fee will be charged.
3) At the time of admission, photo(s) of Student, Mother/Father, Guardian, Marks Sheet of
.....previous examination, Character Certificate, T.C. duly countersigned by C.B.S.E./ District .....Inspector of School, Caste Certificate, Birth Certificate should be submitted by parents, .....failing which admission will be cancelled. The School authority will not be responsible for .....the countersigned by the C.B.S.E./ Govt. However parents them selves-will go to C.B.S.E./ .....Govt. office for the countersign.
4) All the examination/test/practical examination will be held as per examination date sheet.
.....No re-examination will be held. No request will be entertained in this regard.
5) The medium of teaching and study will be English. The School is affiliated to C.B.S.E., New
.....Delhi. Therefore, the syllabus and scheme of study will be as per C.B.S.E. guidelines.
6) In case of misbehaving with teachers, non-teaching staff or School Authorities, School may
.....take action against the student. Fine, Suspension, expulsion, rustication or T.C. for the .....student may be given.
7) In June and February two-month fee will be taken together i.e. June & July and February
.....and March respectively.
8) Please take prior appointment on School phone no:01250-215841 to meet the Principal.
.....Visiting hours will be 12.00 noon to 1.00 p.m. Monday to Friday only.
9) For leaving School and Transport facility, one-month prior notice is required, failing which
.....charges of the month will be taken.
10) It would be mandatory for the parents to attend Parents Teacher Meet (PTM) and other
.....meeting with the teachers time to time, failing which School will not be responsible for the .....progress of the student.
11) During filling up the registration form, examination form and other documents parents are
.....advised to check all the entries carefully before signing the documents i.e. Name, date of .....birth, father's and mother's name, subjects, caste etc., failing which school will not be .....responsible for any mistake / correction etc. later on.
12) Other rules, change of School timing and other information will be served to the parents
.....time to time by the school.
13) For obtaining any duplicate certificate, i.e. character certificate, School leaving certificate,
.....Bonafide Student Certificate etc. a fee of 100/- is compulsory along with school fee & dues .....as per case.
.....The Character Certificate of student will be issued within the period of Six Month time from .....the date of leaving the school only.


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